Encrypted Ubuntu Installation with "Manual" Partitioning
If you've ever installed a recent version of Ubuntu, you'll know that there is an option for Full-Disk Encryption (FDE) shortly after you begin the installation process. However, if you want to manually partition things (like I do), then you're out of luck! The Ubiquity installer does not support FDE and manual partitioning. That being said, you can still do it. I could be wrong, but I believe I was the first person to document the exact process . I was wrong. I've since found at least two other posts that document this process and predate my initial documentation considerably. If you follow that link and check out my answer, you'll see I note that the process of setting up FDE with LVM is not for novice users. Today I take that back! In this post I present what I call the LGMP (LUKS guided manual partitioning) installation script. I set up different systems from time to time, and it was annoying having to go through the system prep and finalization steps manual...